Babish Carbon Steel Wok Review 2023

Babish Carbon Steel Flat Bottom Wok and Stir Fry Pan, 14-Inch

The Babish Carbon Steel Wok is a popular kitchen tool that has gained a reputation for being a reliable, durable, and versatile option for home cooks and professional chefs alike. In this Babish Carbon Steel Wok review, we will take a closer look at what makes this wok stand out from other woks on the market and examine its key features, benefits, and drawbacks.

Firstly, it is worth noting that the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is a product developed in collaboration with Andrew Rea, the creator and host of the popular cooking channel “Binging with Babish”. Rea is known for his meticulous attention to detail and love of high-quality cooking tools, and his influence can be seen in the thoughtful design of this wok.


One of the most notable features of the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is its construction. Made from high-quality carbon steel, this wok is designed to be both durable and lightweight. The carbon steel material is known for its ability to heat up quickly and evenly, making it a great choice for stir-frying, searing, and other high-heat cooking techniques. Additionally, carbon steel is highly responsive to changes in temperature, which allows for greater control over the cooking process.


Another key feature of the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is its shape. The wok has a classic rounded shape that is ideal for stir-frying and tossing ingredients. The high, sloping sides of the wok also allow for easy movement of food without spilling, making it perfect for cooking large portions or for serving family-style dishes. The wok also comes with a long handle and a smaller helper handle, which makes it easy to maneuver and transport from stovetop to table.

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Babish Carbon Steel Wok, 14-Inch


In terms of size, the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is available in two sizes: a 12-inch wok and a 14-inch wok. The 12-inch wok is perfect for small to medium-sized households, while the 14-inch wok is ideal for larger families or for those who like to cook in bulk. Regardless of the size, the wok is deep enough to accommodate large portions of food without overcrowding, which ensures that ingredients cook evenly and thoroughly.


One of the main benefits of using the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is its versatility. The wok is suitable for a wide range of cooking techniques, including stir-frying, searing, sautéing, and even deep-frying. The high heat retention of the carbon steel material also makes it ideal for cooking proteins like steak, chicken, and seafood, which can develop a nice crust without overcooking. Additionally, the wok’s shape and size make it perfect for cooking soups, stews, and other one-pot meals.

Low Maintenance

Another benefit of the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is its low maintenance. Unlike non-stick cookware, which requires careful handling and frequent seasoning, carbon steel woks are relatively easy to care for. After each use, simply clean the wok with a mild detergent and hot water, then dry it thoroughly. Over time, the wok will develop a natural patina that adds flavor and character to your dishes.

Dishwasher Safe?

The Babish carbon steel wok, with its sleek design and unbeatable heat distribution capabilities, may be a culinary game-changer, but is it dishwasher safe? Sure, tossing your wok in the dishwasher may seem like the ultimate time-saver, but before you hit “start,” there are a few things to keep in mind. While carbon steel is incredibly durable, it’s important to remember that it’s also prone to rust, so any sort of moisture can spell trouble in the long run. It’s also worth noting that harsh detergents and high heat may damage the seasoning of your wok, so it’s always a good idea to give it a good ol’ fashioned hand-washing to ensure it stays in tip-top shape. So, in short, while a quick stint in the dishwasher won’t necessarily destroy your beloved Babish wok, it’s probably best to err on the side of caution and give it a little TLC by hand-washing it instead. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you.

Things To Note

However, like any product, the Babish Carbon Steel Wok does have some drawbacks. Firstly, it requires a bit of seasoning before use, which can be intimidating for new users. While seasoning is relatively easy to do and there are plenty of tutorials online to guide you through the process, it does require some time and effort. Additionally, carbon steel woks can be prone to rusting if not properly cared for, so it is important to dry the wok thoroughly after each use and store it in a dry place.

Is The Babish Carbon Steel Wok Safe?

Have you ever wondered if your trusty carbon steel wok is safe? Fear not, my fellow foodie! This versatile cooking vessel has been a staple in Chinese kitchens for centuries and is perfectly safe to use. Its high heating capacity and ability to retain heat make it ideal for stir-frying and searing your favorite dishes. Just be sure to season it properly before first use and follow the manufacturer’s care instructions. With proper care, your carbon steel wok will last a lifetime and become an essential tool in your culinary arsenal. So fire up the stove and get ready to create some delicious Asian-inspired dishes without any worries about your trusty wok’s safety.

Babish Carbon Steel Wok Pros and Cons Summary:

Babish Carbon Steel Wok Review Pros:

  • Heat distribution: Carbon steel woks distribute heat evenly and quickly, allowing for efficient cooking and consistent results.
  • Versatility: Woks are versatile and can be used for stir-frying, deep-frying, steaming, and more.
  • Durability: Carbon steel woks are durable and can last for a long time with proper care.
  • Affordable: Carbon steel woks are relatively affordable compared to other types of cookware.

Babish Carbon Steel Wok Review Cons:

  • Seasoning: Carbon steel woks require seasoning before use to prevent rust and enhance non-stick properties. This process can be time-consuming and requires some effort.
  • Maintenance: Carbon steel woks require regular maintenance, including cleaning, seasoning, and storing properly to prevent rust and corrosion.
  • Weight: Carbon steel woks can be heavy and require some strength to handle.
  • Reactivity: Carbon steel woks can react with acidic ingredients, such as tomatoes or vinegar, causing a metallic taste in the food.


The Babish Carbon Steel Wok is a true game-changer in the kitchen. Not only is the sleek design a statement piece on your stove, but the carbon steel material allows for even heat distribution and quick cooking. But the best part? Its warranty. With a lifetime guarantee, you can stir-fry to your heart’s content without ever worrying about the longevity of your wok. It’s like having a culinary security blanket – always there to support you and elevate your cooking skills. So toss, flip, and sizzle away with the Babish Carbon Steel Wok, knowing your trusty cooking companion has got your back for life.

Babish Carbon Steel Wok Review Seasoning

Seasoning your Babish carbon steel wok is like giving it a makeover. It may look bland and uninspiring at first, but with a little love and effort, it transforms into a fabulous and versatile cooking tool. In the same way that a good seasoning brings out the best flavors of a dish, a well-seasoned wok helps enhance the natural taste and textures of your ingredients. To season your wok, you’ll need some high smoke-point oil, a stove, and a dash of patience. With a bit of sizzling and swirling, your wok will gradually develop a non-stick surface with a rich brown patina. It’ll be ready to stir fry, fry, or braise anything to perfection in no time. So, open up your pantry, grab your seasonings, and let’s give your Babish carbon steel wok the transformation it deserves!

Seasoning How To:

Babish Cast Iron Preseasoned Skillet, 12-Inch

Seasoning a Babish carbon steel wok is an important step to protect it from rust and create a natural non-stick surface. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Wash the wok with warm water and a mild detergent to remove any factory residue or dirt.
  2. Rinse the wok thoroughly and dry it completely with a towel.
  3. Place the wok over high heat and let it get hot for a few minutes. You can also use an oven to heat the wok if you prefer.
  4. Once the wok is hot, add a tablespoon of oil (such as vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil) to the wok and use a paper towel or a wok brush to spread the oil evenly over the surface of the wok.
  5. Let the wok heat for 10-15 minutes or until the oil starts to smoke.
  6. Turn off the heat and let the wok cool completely.
  7. Once the wok is cool, use a paper towel to wipe away any excess oil.
  8. Repeat the seasoning process two to three more times to create a smooth, non-stick surface.

After seasoning your Babish carbon steel wok, you can start using it for cooking. It’s important to clean the wok properly after each use and store it in a dry place to prevent rust.


Overall, the Babish Carbon Steel Wok is a high-quality and versatile kitchen tool.

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